Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jasmine Update

I don't have much to say today, but wanted to post a couple of pix's of my brother David, his wife, Rachel, and most importantly, Jasmine. Please continue to pray for her, she is doing well, but has a long way to go. Her parents are also, I'm sure, in need of prayer. They try to get to the hopital at least 2 times a day, and continue to work. At last report, she is now 2 lbs and 9 oz, or 1170 grams and is 16 1/4 inches long!! She's growing despite going back and forth with her weight a little bit. Now she's on a 27 calorie diet. The circumference of her head is 10.5 inches. The pictures of her with Mom and Dad are a couple of weeks old. The picture of her by herself is from last Saturday.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


Tomorrow I begin a second week of work. I have enjoyed getting to know everyone, and begin to get a feel for the place. Mostly getting to go to work everyday has been good, and good for me. Getting a paycheck will not hurt anything, either. I don’t think I will want to do this for the rest of my life, but I am very happy there. I am not sure where this road will lead, but I will enjoy the view for awhile.

Interestingly enough, the company I was working for had their contract renewed by the Government; however, they had a 40% cut. Translation: they cut seven jobs, where are due to end at the end of this week. Now, I do not completely understand why I was laid off, nothing was ever explained to me - other than the customer no longer needed my services. My friends and I have several working theories and they all end with “and Geo is a jerk.” (‘nough said.) All that said, one thing I am sure of is that it would have happened soon or later. If it had to happen, I am glad I had the summer off.

The pixs below include a couple of purses I have recently made using placemats (of all things). I am thinking about working on purses and totes to sell. I have had some feedback from folks who have seen them, so I am going to do some work on them. I also have gotten some great ideas from my mom – one of the best sewers (seamstresses) I know, she amazes me. She has made just about anything you can think of – from tote bags to wedding dresses, to quilts. I haven’t always appreciated her talent (especially as a kid wearing homemade cloths), but she has a lot of talent. She actually took a boy’s size 16 cassock pattern and enlarged it for my husband, who, at 6’4”, can not be described as “small”.

I am also adding a pix of some socks that I am attempting to knit. When I purchased the yarn, I was looking for the self-stripping stuff, but was told that this was not it, and it would not stripe for me, but would be very cute. As you can see, it seems to be self-stripping. I think they will be very cute. They are for someone else.

The last pix are two sets of placemats I bought and am going to make purses / totes out of them. I just need to get material for the inside and pockets, and the handles for them.

As for our diets: Keith has lost 50 lbs, officially as of today!! I am holding at 35 lbs, but I have not gone up, and am continuing to work at it. I have lost some inches, and am down 2 dress sizes. Today I tried on the dress I wore for graduation in May 2006, and am happy to report it does not fit. Just so you understand, it did not fit last fall or this past spring, but because I was too big for it. I am very pleased to also announce that the dress I bought for the wedding in April we attended is also too big! The best part is that in 2 more dress sizes, I will be able to shop in regular stores and be able to get things at Sams (I know, I know but it’s a great place to get jeans, sweaters – you know, the basics.)

Now, before I go for the evening, I have to say “Congratulations” to Casey and Jason, who were married yesterday in Winchester, VA. Welcome to the family Jason and Kayla (Jason’s daughter). I will tell you what I told Rachel – No back-cies! You are stuck with us now. We are a little crazy, but we can cook! Seriously, we are praying for you all, and that God will bless your union.

Have a good week – I’ll be in touch.

Anyone else seeing a color trend here?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Back in the saddle again...

Well, ladies and gents, I am back to work, and I am enjoying it. It is exhausting after my unfortunate break this summer. I was used to getting up and being dressed and ready by, oh, 11ish, then cat napping in the late afternoon.

The job is a good one. I am doing some work on a special project for Bill, who also works for June. She has been very busy and so in an effort to keep me busy, she has me working for Bill. I am learning a lot about the company and the AP department. I met with June today and we began to talk about what I could do, and how I can help her.

I will write more later. Love to all. Mel

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Quiet Thoughts...

I am contemplating life, as I sit in the living room with the computer and a small but demanding bundle on my lap. This has been a personally difficult summer for me. I have had to reflect on parts of me that are not especially nice or pleasant; own up to things that I would really rather not even think about. Through it all, I have had to change those tapes that have played in my head most of my life. It has not been an easy process. Even in all of the difficulties that life has handed me this summer, I am reminded that I am, we are, fine. We have, in the words of a good friend, all that we need and so much more than we deserve. God is good. I am thankful for his provision for us during this summer; for my loving husband; for my wonderful church family; for my extended family (I miss you all); and for my small but demanding bundle – just to name a few.

I know so many people who are struggling. Their issues are many and varied: health, relationships, and faith – to name a few. Many of them have persevered through unimaginable situations, some are in the midst of a crisis, and others are just beginning the struggle. Some are faithful Christians, some are feeling their way back, and still others are, well, not. I must remind them, as I remember myself, that God IS good. He will answer their prayers. He will continue to provide, heal, and save. We must also remember to count our blessings and trust God to help us through the difficulties of life.

Enough contemplation: On to the news…

I have a job, albeit at temporary assignment, beginning Monday. There is a chance that this job could go permanent, or could lead to another job within the company. I am looking forward to it. The position has just been created, so I have the opportunity to help define the job. I am excited by the challenge.

Jasmine is, at last report, 2 lbs, 4oz. She is still on a respirator. Please continue to pray for her healing and strength for Rachel and David.

Cindy and Caitlyn are home, but Cindy still needs prayer for her recovery. They are home, and both doing well.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We're Back...

Well, we made it back Monday night at about 10:00 p.m. We had not planned to be out that long, but our visit with friends was too nice to leave any sooner than we did. (Thanks for the great dinner and wonderful evening guys!) That said, we were anxious to get back to the girls – we miss them terribly when we are away. We got a nice happy reception when we finally made it home.

Our weekend was a much needed retreat. The house we stayed in was lovely and quite comfortable. (Many thanks to our vacation benefactor!) There was no TV to watch, so we did a lot of reading, talking, and window shopping. It was a great time to relax, reconnect, and rejuvenate. We did find a little coffee shop/bookstore in Hardy, AR. It was a cozy little shop with Wi-Fi. We were able to check e-mails and buzz around the ‘net a couple of days.

I have now finished the Harry Potter series (books 6 & 7 while on our vacation). Wow, what a story. I really enjoyed reading the series, and am missing them now that I have finished. I was shocked by the ending, which was nothing like I imagined. I was talking to a friend and her daughter about how the author wrote the series – whether she had the basic outline of the whole story, or if she just built on the previous book – one book at a time. We came to the conclusion that she almost had to have an overall outline of the whole story, because of the way that she had weaved characters and information throughout the books.

I have an interview this afternoon, so please keep me in mind about 3pm. I am hoping to be back at work soon. This job will start as a temp job, but may well go permanent at some point. I’ll let you know!

There are updates to give, but they will have to wait for another day. My niece, Z, started kindergarten last week. She left me a message to tell me that she is a big girl, she had a good first day, and she LOVES it! I just can’t believe she has started school, where does the time go?