Sunday, February 10, 2008

Some Pictures to Share

Here are some pictures that were recently scanned in by my cousin, Matt, and sent out to the family. I thought some of you may enjoy seeing them, and if not - well, don't tell me!

This is me, about 18 months old, in front of my grandpa's Jeep.

This is me, about the same time, on the back steps at Grandpa's house. These steps went up to a narrow cat walk (Aren't cat walks narrow by definition?) that spanned the house and some French doors leading to the main hall in the house. We would love to slide on our socks down that hall, but would always get yelled at because Grandma and Grandpa were afraid that we would slide thru the doors, over the cat walk and fall on the patio below. I realize how concerned they were, but it was a buzz kill at the time. We usually only got one good run at it before we were nailed.

This is Kandi and J - my older brother and sister. I am not sure if I was around yet when this was taken, but I could have been. Look at that grin on Kandi's face - she was a cutie!

This is my Grandma, Pauline. She is with Barney and Onyx (can you gess which is who?) Barney scared the snot out of all of us kids - and they kept him tied up when we were around. Onyx was our big baby who would let us do any number of things to her, and just take it. She was a sweet dog.

This is my grandmother, Pauline. She was a special lady, and I miss them terribly. From the time I can remember, she was confined to a wheelchair. She was a very funny lady, who enjoyed her life, in spite of her physical ailments.

These are my folks. It's hard to believe they were ever this young, but here is the proof. This was taken in NJ, and probably just before or after I was born.

Here they are again, at the entrance to the NY World's Fair. Now where were the kiddo's do you think? Probably just put us in play pins and left us to our own devices... :)

This has got to be the best picture of my grandparents (Fuzzy and Pauline) I have ever seen. I can really see my uncles in the face of my grandfather.

Finally, this is JR and Kandi, again. They are on the swing that is just off the carport I was standing on in the Jeep picture. I remember sitting out there with both my grandprents over the years.

Most of these pictures were taken on "The Hill". My grandparents house, I'm sure you will be surpirsed to find out, was at the top of what was probably the only hill in Indiana, just outside of Peru, IN. It was a great place with a circular drive, a barn, and lots of woods. We had great trails that ran up and down the hill, thru the woods. As long as no one freaked me out about snakes, I could run them all day. Sometimes I think the boys (my brother and cousins) would "spot" a black snake just to keep my from tagging along...

OKAY, this has been a great walk down memory lane...I will be back soon, and put on some current pixs. I have a couple of great ones of Jasmine to share.


Marcia, Marcia, Marcia said...

Great pictures! I love walks down memory lane. I desparately need to update my blog, so you have motivated are two blogs ahead of me since my last post! I will have to post pictures from the retirement ceremony I was in!

Joy said...

It looks like the women on the Melboe side like their men to be tall :-) I loved looking at all your pictures! -Di (still hoping for Friday...I'll let you know tomorrow)