Sunday, February 10, 2008

Some Pictures to Share

Here are some pictures that were recently scanned in by my cousin, Matt, and sent out to the family. I thought some of you may enjoy seeing them, and if not - well, don't tell me!

This is me, about 18 months old, in front of my grandpa's Jeep.

This is me, about the same time, on the back steps at Grandpa's house. These steps went up to a narrow cat walk (Aren't cat walks narrow by definition?) that spanned the house and some French doors leading to the main hall in the house. We would love to slide on our socks down that hall, but would always get yelled at because Grandma and Grandpa were afraid that we would slide thru the doors, over the cat walk and fall on the patio below. I realize how concerned they were, but it was a buzz kill at the time. We usually only got one good run at it before we were nailed.

This is Kandi and J - my older brother and sister. I am not sure if I was around yet when this was taken, but I could have been. Look at that grin on Kandi's face - she was a cutie!

This is my Grandma, Pauline. She is with Barney and Onyx (can you gess which is who?) Barney scared the snot out of all of us kids - and they kept him tied up when we were around. Onyx was our big baby who would let us do any number of things to her, and just take it. She was a sweet dog.

This is my grandmother, Pauline. She was a special lady, and I miss them terribly. From the time I can remember, she was confined to a wheelchair. She was a very funny lady, who enjoyed her life, in spite of her physical ailments.

These are my folks. It's hard to believe they were ever this young, but here is the proof. This was taken in NJ, and probably just before or after I was born.

Here they are again, at the entrance to the NY World's Fair. Now where were the kiddo's do you think? Probably just put us in play pins and left us to our own devices... :)

This has got to be the best picture of my grandparents (Fuzzy and Pauline) I have ever seen. I can really see my uncles in the face of my grandfather.

Finally, this is JR and Kandi, again. They are on the swing that is just off the carport I was standing on in the Jeep picture. I remember sitting out there with both my grandprents over the years.

Most of these pictures were taken on "The Hill". My grandparents house, I'm sure you will be surpirsed to find out, was at the top of what was probably the only hill in Indiana, just outside of Peru, IN. It was a great place with a circular drive, a barn, and lots of woods. We had great trails that ran up and down the hill, thru the woods. As long as no one freaked me out about snakes, I could run them all day. Sometimes I think the boys (my brother and cousins) would "spot" a black snake just to keep my from tagging along...

OKAY, this has been a great walk down memory lane...I will be back soon, and put on some current pixs. I have a couple of great ones of Jasmine to share.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mi Vida Loca - With Prayer Requests

My Crazy Life...

We have had such a crazy two many things have happened in and among my family and friends, it is difficult to remember them all. Here is a list - and prayer requests:

1. Mr. Hayes got his heart (as previously reported). It was a very good thing, and something we are still in awe and wonder over. He was home by that Friday, but reactions to medications sent him back to the hospital the next day. They have adjusted the medication, and found that his heart has continued strong and steady in spite of all that was going on. He is back home, once again, and continuing his recovery. The mercy and faithfulness of God is too great for words. We love you P., and can't wait for your return to St. James. Please pray for his continued recovery, and adjustment to meds, diet, and lifestyle recovery will require. Also pray for his family and their health, as well as the adjustments that they will need to make.

2. Sadly, a member of our parish, James (29), went home to be with the Lord las week. He suffered with an unexplained (to my knowledge) seizure disorder. He suffered a seizure, which took his life. This is a difficult time for his family and friends, to be sure. Please pray for them during this time of grief.

3. My mom (Gloria) (HI MOM!) had a knee replacement. From all reports, she is doing better than expected. She said last Tuesday that she was walking with out the assistance of a cane or walker! She is sore, but not in great pain. It is during things like this that I hate being away from home the most. Pray for her continued good recovery! Also for Dad as he considers having his knee (which was replaced about a year ago with results not as good as mom's) looked at once again.

4. Tornado's blew through Memphis on Tuesday - which cancelled our Pancake Supper. That was a bummer, but it was best that everyone was home, safe and sound. Pray for those who have lost loved ones and/or their homes to these storms.

5. Keith was SICK this last week, and is just now feeling better. He was unable to go to church last week, and had his former professor (now Dean) of CTH take the service for him. Thanks, Dr. C! Pray for all those suffering with the flu and other icky-ness this year.

6. Dad's Uncle Pete died about a week ago. My Uncle Pete was a unique man, and I firmly believe that everyone should have an Uncle Pete. He used to have a auto junk yard, and I remember running around and driving them all - car, bus, truck - you name it! He also had a garden where he planted strawberries, which were delicious. Pray for my Aunt Betty and his children during their time of loss.

7. Keith's Uncle Paul is in the hospital right now, he has had several issues (lower intestine) which required surgery and was not doing well. K's parents came back from Flordia to be with Marion's (K's step-mother) sister (Caroline), Paul's wife. He is now out of ICU, and they are keeping a close eye on him. Pray for Uncle Paul, and his healing.

Thanks for listening. Thank you also for your prayers for these situations. A special thanks to BSC - for helping Keith in SOOOO many ways during these past couple of weeks. Our friendship with you and Di is such a blessing to us!

Love to you all...