Saturday, December 6, 2008
We've moved...
Here are some things we love about the new house:
1. Central Heat - can't underestimate the importance of central heat.
2. S P A C E! It is so nice to spread out - although we loose each other sometimes :)
3. Second Bathroom. I can't say enough about the joy of knowing we now have two.
4. Fenced in back yard - the girls can run freeeeee now. Very nice.
5. Not having to turn off the non-central heat in order to blow dry my hair without blowing all the circuits. You can't imagine the freedom.
Thanksgiving: We went to the Gilfeys for Thanksgiving dinner. Their cousins from Sweden were here to experience their first-ever American Thanksgiving. A good time was had by all. They served Lingenberries - I had some on Cheesecake - YUM! I made the Green bean Casserole. And brought the cheese. Very stressful, ya know? Hey - I also had to pick out the crackers, too. Do you know the stress of finding the just-right cracker for cheese? It is very important to get the right ones - I don't care what Ritz says, people make fun of you when you bring Ritz crackers for Bree.
My class is coming to the end, and I am gearing up for the busy Christmas, can anyone tell me where my Christmas Cookie Cutters are?
Monday, November 10, 2008
On the Road Again...well, kinda
It is a nice 'little' house (I use the term loosely, it is little by most standards but is about 2x the living space of the house we're in now). It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a nice family room. All of that plus a nice little surprise out back...take a look:
The Living (or Front) Room (And no, the Yorkie is not included - believe me, we asked!):
The Dining Room:

The Family Room:
The Master Bedroom:
And the little surprise out back? it is:
We're moving in the weekend after Thanksgiving, Lord willing. We are trying right now to get things together - working hard, and none of it includes packing as yet. The Lord knows how much I LOVE to pack. Anyway, we are very excited about having space to move around, to entertain, and to SWIM!
PS: Still going to put on photos from Victoria - just need to find the time!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Beautiful Victoria, BC
We flew into Seattle on Monday, and went to dinner with a friends brother-in-law who lives there. It was a wonderful seafood dinner overlooking Tacoma - breath-taking views, delicious food and good company - can anyone ask for anything more? Well, we did, and we got it. We took the Victoria Clipper to Victoria on Tuesday, where we were able to see more beautiful mountains,and even some whales swimming in the distance. We experienced some turbulence in the boat, but nothing too terrible.
We are staying in downtown Victoria, just a couple of blocks off the harbor. We are situated about a block from the church, and anything else we could need. We have found several great restaurants. We are eating too much, and enjoying every bit of it.
We have spent a good amount of time catching up with old friends, and making new ones. It has been better than I could have imagined. One thing we have noticed since stepping foot here, is that service, and in general, the Canadians seem to be a very nice, gentle, and rule-abiding group of people. Even the "Goth" kids don't cross the street until the sign tells them they are allowed to go. The pan-handlers politely say "thank you" when you tell them you have no cash - because you don't. And for those who know me, I will be bringing back a Canadian accent - I'm already hearing it now.
I am spending some time in the room this afternoon - while others are in meetings. It just seemed like a good time to catch up with myself. We will be here for 2 more days - leaving on a ferry Saturday evening. There is so much we want to do, we are having difficulty deciding what we will do with our time here Friday afternoon and Saturday. No matter what, we will be sad to go, I think.
I am taking pictures, and will be posting them once I am home. I hope that everyone is doing well - or are doing better, for those I know to be not feeling well. See you all soon!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
As Time Goes By...
While we were in VA, I had a fast-running cold. As usual with me, it turned into a terrible cough. But I was doing better by the time we got home, and I thought I was out of the woods. Then the following weekend and into the next week, I really went back and fourth not feeling well, being sick to my stomach (and other places). I eventually went to the doctor and got something for the stomach cramps and got to feeling better. Yep, I was definatly out of the woods...or so I thought.
Last Saturday I started having terrible pain just under my ribcage that went around my back. If any of you have had a gallbladder attack - it was EXACTLY like that. Only my gallbaldder was removed 4 years ago. I went to the doctor (the appointment will be the subject of a later post) on Tuesday to find out that the muscle that is just under the rib cage was irritated (by the virus, being sick with the virus, coughing, picking something up or moving funny - pick one, there is no way to say which it was) and pressing on a bundle of nerves that goes around to the back. I am currently on drugs to reduce the swelling, and stop the pain. When I am on the drugs, I am feeling GREAT. When they wear off, I am still hurting. Apparently it will take a while to heal.
So I have spent the last 3-4 weeks feeling not-so-good. I am on the mend, but taking it easy. So that is why I've been quiet, not really doing much of anything. I am hoping to get into the sewing room, finish some other projects I've been working on.
Have a great week!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Song Sung Blue...
She-who-must-be-obeyed was VERY glad to get her parents home. I still have some time off, so I will spend that loving on her and her sissy and getting the laundry done - among other things.
My post-VA depression as officially kicked in. I told some friends it was good that we left the girls in Memphis, otherwise I am not sure Keith could have gotten me back here. I really miss it all - the family, friends, places, memories - and the pace of life (but not the traffic - definitely not the traffic). Sumerduck is QUIET - you forget, living in the city, just how quiet it can really be.
That said, I will be happy to be back at St. James on Sunday. I missed it terribly on Sunday - we went to St. John the Divine in Warrenton, VA. It was a beautiful church and a nice service, but it was no St. James! And I will get back to my life here in Memphis, which I enjoy - I head back to work on Tuesday and school on Wednesday, and I will enjoy friends who are like family and who make living 16 hours from home a little easier.
Good Night!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tuesday, once again...
Last weekend Bishop Morse came to St. James for his episcopal visit. We had him over for a light lunch, then the vestry all met at The BBQ Shop on Madison for dinner with the Bishop. Finally, we had a wonderful service Sunday Morning. We had (at last count) 132 people in attendance - a record for our chruch. There were 2 baptisms, and 6 confirmations. All of that, and we got to receive communion, too! After the service, we had a nice luncheon. The only problem encountered all weekend was locking myself out of the house. Keith had gone on a hosptial visit, and I didn't realize that he was gone, or remember to have him leave the house unlocked. So, I hung out in the church watching Andy Griffith (E left her cd's there, TBTG!). It was a nice way to pass the time until Keith got back.
So this week will be busy, and exciting all at the same time. Need to get the hair done and maybe my nails. We are leaving the girls home. I will miss the little one terrible - mostly at night when I bug her while she sleeps. But it is best for them and for us, so...
No other news to report! I'll be back soon, and I hope to have lots of pixs from VA.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
As Time Goes By
My class is going pretty well, and I have - for the first time ever, I think - started my project early. I am hoping to have to basically done tomorrow, be we ALL know how that goes.
And speaking of school - I have, from the beginning, had difficulty with Keller. There have been customer service issues (not all together a surprise here in the Bluff City), problems with financial aid, and we can't forget the whole "we can't find your file, you'll have to reapply" discussion. While things have been worked out most of the time, it doesn't seem to be getting any better. SO, I started looking around, and the University of Memphis has a program that is in the neighborhood of 1/3 the cost of Keller. It is much closer to home (within walking distance when it is not 99 flippin degrees at midnight!), and has a pretty good Business School / MBA program. I have decided to apply there this fall, continuing my classes with Keller in the immediate. If I am accepted, I will try to move over to UM in January. That's the thinking right now - but I have to get past the GRE first (this may be the thing that dictates exactly what I will be doing.)
We are looking forward to our trip to VA. I am actually beginning to make lists and put things aside to take. It promises to be great fun, and I can't wait to get there. Look out Fauquier - here we come! Axia and Carlos - we are looking forward to visiting with you! You too, Ann!
In the mean time, we have our annual Bishop's visit. We are looking forward to seeing Bishop Morse. This year we have 2 Baptisms and several confirmations. It is a very exciting time in the life of St. James. Last week we had the VBS presentation, as well as a vote on if we should purchase the church property we have been renting for 4 years (including the house we live in.) The result was almost unanimous to purchase it! All of that and we had 101 people in church!!
Today we went to the Gylfe's home for a cookout, and swimming (for the kids). We had a great turn out, and a good time was had by all.
I had a hole in my tire, but it was quickly repaired to the tune of $16 - much better than the cost of our tire issues from a year ago! Keith was weed-eating the church lawn a couple of weeks ago and it picked up a rock and flung it across the parking lot into his rear window, breaking it into a bazillion pieces. So now he is driving a whooptie which has plastic covering the window until we can replace it (don't ask - it has to do with the aforementioned issues with Keller.) And I won't go into the fight Keith got into with the basketball hoop pole (using my car, of course!). Really - there was not much damage - just enough for me to keep giving him a hard time!
Well, that's the long and the short of it. What's up with you?
PS. Jasmine turned one - can you believe it? I hope to get pictures up soon.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
...and we're back!
I am sorry I have been gone so long. School kept me busier than I had imagined - but I did well in all my classes. I have been out of class for over a week, but was just too tired to spend *one more* evening writing something. I am taking an accounting class, which will not require a big paper at the end - which I am happy about.
So here is what I've been up to:
* School, of course
* The BIG ole bible study (which has not gotten the attention it deserves - I may be held back!)
* Planning for - dreaming of - my trip to Virginia in August!!!
* Hanging out with friends - and having a great time doing it!
* Quick trip to Jonesboro to see the Honey-hams, and Fr. Foos who was with his school choir visiting from CA.
* Quick trip to Jonesboro for what was, hands down, the most eventful funeral I have ever attended.
* Co-Teaching (or more or less) Sunday School
* buying all manner of used books at used books stores and used book sales.
* finding a really cool bag pattern which I am hoping to begin working on soon.
Doesn't seem to be quite as long as I imagined or it felt...
I found a book at that book sale that I thought I would put in the church library. You never know - someone might like it. Well, I picked it up the other day and started reading. The book is called: My Beloved: The Story of a Carmelite Nun by Mother Catherine Thomas. It is about a young woman who is called to the vocation of a Carmelite Nun in the late 1920's.
I am completely taken with this book. Now, don't think for a minute that I want to be a Carmelite nun, or a nun of any flavor for that matter. I am just finding the story, and her insight, captivating. I believe the word is convicted...
I am not done, and I am sure I will need to read it at least one more time to really appreciate it - but I've already started marking in it!
This poem is included in the book:
My Beloved is my Bridegroom
Beautiful, no? I believe that St. John of the Cross was a monk, or brother. I also believe that he wrote this about going into the contemplative life. But even so, I find it speaks to me. I am just using this to contemplate my own relationship with Christ - which is what, I believe, Mother Catherine Thomas wanted when she wrote this in 1955.
Cheers everyone - I'll try to be around more!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Stay Tuned...
Sunday, March 16, 2008 it me your looking for?
I have started school - and two classes it a lot harder than I thought they would be. I go to school on Monday and Thursdays. It makes the weeks speed by, though. I am enjoying work. It is busy, and crazy, and frustrating, and fun - and I love going everyday. One of my co-workers is going through the process of being put on the heart transplant list. Our friend Perry was able to go talk to her and share with her his story. Please pray for Pat. She has been through so much in the last year or so.
This is the beginning of Holy Week. It will be a long week, but it is such a beautiful and meaningful progression from Maundy-Thursday to Easter Sunday. It is deeply moving to me. The church is doing well, and we have had over 80 people for the last several Sundays. We had over 100 this Sunday. There is a group from a different church who may be joining us. It is sad to think of other church having difficulties and splitting, but it is nice to have a growth spurt. It is an exciting time for us at St. James.
I have finally finished that sweater for Jasmine - and found a button (well, really a couple of buttons) for it:

And speaking of Jasmine, here are some pic's that I promised - ones her daddy sent to me - taken in January, I think:

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Some Pictures to Share
This is me, about the same time, on the back steps at Grandpa's house. These steps went up to a narrow cat walk (Aren't cat walks narrow by definition?) that spanned the house and some French doors leading to the main hall in the house. We would love to slide on our socks down that hall, but would always get yelled at because Grandma and Grandpa were afraid that we would slide thru the doors, over the cat walk and fall on the patio below. I realize how concerned they were, but it was a buzz kill at the time. We usually only got one good run at it before we were nailed.
This is Kandi and J - my older brother and sister. I am not sure if I was around yet when this was taken, but I could have been. Look at that grin on Kandi's face - she was a cutie!
This is my Grandma, Pauline. She is with Barney and Onyx (can you gess which is who?) Barney scared the snot out of all of us kids - and they kept him tied up when we were around. Onyx was our big baby who would let us do any number of things to her, and just take it. She was a sweet dog.
This is my grandmother, Pauline. She was a special lady, and I miss them terribly. From the time I can remember, she was confined to a wheelchair. She was a very funny lady, who enjoyed her life, in spite of her physical ailments.
These are my folks. It's hard to believe they were ever this young, but here is the proof. This was taken in NJ, and probably just before or after I was born.
Here they are again, at the entrance to the NY World's Fair. Now where were the kiddo's do you think? Probably just put us in play pins and left us to our own devices... :)
This has got to be the best picture of my grandparents (Fuzzy and Pauline) I have ever seen. I can really see my uncles in the face of my grandfather.
Finally, this is JR and Kandi, again. They are on the swing that is just off the carport I was standing on in the Jeep picture. I remember sitting out there with both my grandprents over the years.
Most of these pictures were taken on "The Hill". My grandparents house, I'm sure you will be surpirsed to find out, was at the top of what was probably the only hill in Indiana, just outside of Peru, IN. It was a great place with a circular drive, a barn, and lots of woods. We had great trails that ran up and down the hill, thru the woods. As long as no one freaked me out about snakes, I could run them all day. Sometimes I think the boys (my brother and cousins) would "spot" a black snake just to keep my from tagging along...
OKAY, this has been a great walk down memory lane...I will be back soon, and put on some current pixs. I have a couple of great ones of Jasmine to share.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Mi Vida Loca - With Prayer Requests
We have had such a crazy two many things have happened in and among my family and friends, it is difficult to remember them all. Here is a list - and prayer requests:
1. Mr. Hayes got his heart (as previously reported). It was a very good thing, and something we are still in awe and wonder over. He was home by that Friday, but reactions to medications sent him back to the hospital the next day. They have adjusted the medication, and found that his heart has continued strong and steady in spite of all that was going on. He is back home, once again, and continuing his recovery. The mercy and faithfulness of God is too great for words. We love you P., and can't wait for your return to St. James. Please pray for his continued recovery, and adjustment to meds, diet, and lifestyle recovery will require. Also pray for his family and their health, as well as the adjustments that they will need to make.
2. Sadly, a member of our parish, James (29), went home to be with the Lord las week. He suffered with an unexplained (to my knowledge) seizure disorder. He suffered a seizure, which took his life. This is a difficult time for his family and friends, to be sure. Please pray for them during this time of grief.
3. My mom (Gloria) (HI MOM!) had a knee replacement. From all reports, she is doing better than expected. She said last Tuesday that she was walking with out the assistance of a cane or walker! She is sore, but not in great pain. It is during things like this that I hate being away from home the most. Pray for her continued good recovery! Also for Dad as he considers having his knee (which was replaced about a year ago with results not as good as mom's) looked at once again.
4. Tornado's blew through Memphis on Tuesday - which cancelled our Pancake Supper. That was a bummer, but it was best that everyone was home, safe and sound. Pray for those who have lost loved ones and/or their homes to these storms.
5. Keith was SICK this last week, and is just now feeling better. He was unable to go to church last week, and had his former professor (now Dean) of CTH take the service for him. Thanks, Dr. C! Pray for all those suffering with the flu and other icky-ness this year.
6. Dad's Uncle Pete died about a week ago. My Uncle Pete was a unique man, and I firmly believe that everyone should have an Uncle Pete. He used to have a auto junk yard, and I remember running around and driving them all - car, bus, truck - you name it! He also had a garden where he planted strawberries, which were delicious. Pray for my Aunt Betty and his children during their time of loss.
7. Keith's Uncle Paul is in the hospital right now, he has had several issues (lower intestine) which required surgery and was not doing well. K's parents came back from Flordia to be with Marion's (K's step-mother) sister (Caroline), Paul's wife. He is now out of ICU, and they are keeping a close eye on him. Pray for Uncle Paul, and his healing.
Thanks for listening. Thank you also for your prayers for these situations. A special thanks to BSC - for helping Keith in SOOOO many ways during these past couple of weeks. Our friendship with you and Di is such a blessing to us!
Love to you all...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
If I only had a heart
Mr Hayes received his heart this morning and is doing very well. The surgeon "couldn't be happier" with the surgery. This is such an exciting day. Please continue to pray for the family during the recovery.
more info later...I promise!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Night Before
The car is back! Working out the payment from the insurance company caused much anst, but in the end, it did work out, and in our favor, no less. It's very pretty! (we'll have know more in the morning - in the light of day.) The parts for the warranty work were sold by the shop, and so they had to re-order them, and they didn't them in today. So, back it will go once we return.
This wil have to be short and sweet. I hope that you are all well, and warm!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
This one's for you!
Well, the news I alluded to in a previous post turned out to be no news at all. I had applied for a job within my company, and while assured I would probably get the job, once again I was the runner-up. I am not overly sad; I really had no great desire to be a purchasing agent. I really love my job, my boss, and what I do, and am happy to stay there until God provides me with another opportunity.
She-who-must-be-obeyed is doing well. She is back to her normal self, and is eating everything she can get her lips around. She is even trying to get Corkey's food away from her, and growling if Corkey comes sniffing her dish. (Isabel usually leaves Corkey a bit of her meal to snack on, so Corkey is really upset by this turn of events.) She is a fun girl to have around, and we are very glad that all went well with her surgery. Her pathology came back, and the tumor was Stage 2 Cancer, but they believe that they got everything and there will be no follow up treatment needed. Good news over all. We will just need to keep an eye out for other tumors, and have them removed as soon as we can.
I have finally made solid plans to start school. I will begin the first week of March, and will take two classes this semester (2 8-week classes). I am excited and just a little worried. I know how stressful this can be, and yet I really want to start (and finish:) ) my MBA.
We are heading to Sevierville, TN next week for the first Synod of our new diocese (which, to my delight, includes Virginia!). I love that part of TN, and am excited to visit again. (Peg, I will think of you and our trip while there!) I hope to get to do a little sight-seeing / shopping. We will be there Wednesday, and Thursday night, leaving Friday afternoon. It should be a good time.
The car is currently in the shop having its damage repaired. If you don't remember, Keith backed into a pole this summer. It was after I had been let go from my job, and the first time we had gotten his prescription without insurance. The conversation went something like this:
M: Your meds cost $40.00.
K: What?!??!
K: What was that?
Okay, I hope that this is enough, Redblur, it's all I have right now. Please continue to pray for our friends, the Hayes'. Mr. is still waiting for a heart, and Mrs. and the boys need our prayers, too.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
She's Back!
I am heading back to work tomorrow. I think the antibiotics are working, but the cough is still with me. I have, however, developed cabin fever and am looking forward to getting back to work. It promises to go fast.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
I hope that everyone had a fun and safe New Year. I have been very negligent in keeping in touch with anyone this Christmas Season. I am sorry, and plan to get in touch...I promise! I got your message Emilie, and will be calling soon.
For those wondering, Isabel is not home this evening. She had her surgery today and will be staying overnight. We could have picked her up, but she was still coming out of her anesthesia and going to be on pain meds. Then we would have had to take her back in the morning to check her temp, etc. We figured it was better for her (not us!) to stay. She had her blanket with her, so she could just curl up and sleep. I can't wait to get her back. I think that Corkey even misses her.
I have been sick this week. I have some bronchial thing, and came home early today to g0 to the Urgent Care. I am now on antibiotics, and have an inhaler. I don't think I will make it in tomorrow - I am just run down.
Please continue to pray for our friends - The Hayes'. Mr. has been in the hospital waiting for a heart transplant. Mrs. and their 2 young boys all need our prayers as they wait for Mr. to come home.
I am starting to develop my list of resolutions...I have many things I want to work on - among them, keeping up with my friends. If you can think of any for me, let me know! It may or may not make my list, but I would be interested in seeing what you think.