Monday, August 27, 2007

Let the celebration begin….

OK, so I am probably the only one celebrating today. On this day, Monday, August 27, 2007, I finally have my car back. (Final Cost: $4,239.35, thank the Lord for insurance!) I wasn’t able to pick it up until 7pm this evening, so pictures are from Tuesday. (Again, many thanks to the deductible donators – WE LOVE YOU BOTH!) It looks great, drives great and most of all feels great. I have missed having my car, not just because I love that car, but because I have missed having my independence. I really don’t like driving Keith’s car – it is far too big and long, especially to park. So, I have been driven all over town to get to where I needed to be, and have spent far too much time in this house.

I am having dinner with a good friend tomorrow. I will probably leave extra early just to be able to go visit some of my favorite places and get out a bit. One of my favorite places is a little consignment store in Bartlett (and its sister store on Union). I love older furniture and looking at other peoples junk. In fact the last time I was there, I found the EXACT same Mexican cookbook my mother has used for years. I snatched it up like there were 30 people around me waiting to get at it. (Of course, we’re on this diet, and not really doing Mexican, but I don’t care.)

Keith and I are going away for the weekend. I am looking forward to getting away and just spending some time with him. Now, it’s true we have spent much more time together lately that we normally get to, but perhaps we will be able to leave the stress of job hunting and other summer stresses here for a couple of days. It will be fun to be in a different place, visit some nice little shops, and spend time relaxing. Many thanks to our weekend benefactor – we appreciate you lending us your place! :)

There is no word on the other job Michelle was working on, she is waiting for scheduling information from the company and apparently someone went out of town on business. So, we wait. She is going to look for temp work for me, but nothing so far. I have several other updates, but they will have to wait until tomorrow…

Good Night.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Waiting Game

I have had to do a lot of waiting over the last 5 to 6 days. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t like to wait. I don’t have much patience (and I have a theory on patience, which I will have to write about on another day.), so it has been a difficult couple of days.

The car may be ready tomorrow. They have gotten in the wheels and tires, but are waiting on the tire pressure sensors. They think those will be in tomorrow. YEA. I can’t wait to get my car back. We are waiting for my employment to get the pole damage repaired. That falls under a separate deductible. The repair for the wheels (not including the dent caused by the MOWT (Mean ‘ole Wheel Thieves)) was $3700. Fortunately, we only have to pay the deductible. (Many thanks to the deductible donors! :-}) I have decided I am going to get the “Mean People Suck!” bumper sticker, because, well…they do!

I didn’t get the job I interviewed for. Bummer. I had to wait Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday to find out that I was #2. I hate being #2. I guess there is some chance that the #1 person will refuse the job, and it may become mine, but I doubt it. Michelle has another job she is working on for me. It doesn’t pay as well, but something is more than nothing. If nothing works out this week, I will begin Monday to take temp jobs. Besides needing the income, I need to get out of the house, and have something to do.

Our wait for our friends’ baby, Caitlin Rose, was over on Monday. She arrived and is doing well. She is a little early and in the NICU, but is strong and will probably not have to be there long. Her mom, Cindy, will have her heart surgery on Monday (then her wait will be over, and recovery will begin). The wait for news on Jasmine ended early today. She had routine surgery on her heart today (is any surgery routine?), but came through it, and at last word is doing well. This should help keep her lungs from filling with fluid. It is hard to believe that they can operate on a baby so small (1lb 9oz at last notice). God does all things well, yes?

I do not like to wait; it makes me feel that somehow, for some reason, God has put me on hold. I don’t know how to describe the feelings I have…It is a strange mixture of anxiety, hopefulness, depression, and excitement. That is a strange combination, I know, and I don’t feel them all at once, but one or two at a time. I guess this is where faith steps in and whispers “Peace”.

Good night.

Lessons Learned

Had a great blog all written up, and then it just was gone...So, I've decided I will write in Word, and will cut and paste in here. Not going thru this more than once :) Will re-write and post in a few minutes - Mel

Friday, August 17, 2007

Walkin' in Memphis

So, for those of you who haven't heard, we have experienced the joy of living in Memphis, yet again. Keith was taking some trash out this morning, and found that someone had taken ALL FOUR WHEELS from my 'nox.

I couldn't believe it. It was quite shocking. We spent most of the day trying to get the car stuff done: we made a police report, called the insurance company, and had the car towed to the shop. I have no idea how much money this is going to cost - hopefully it is all covered under our policy, and we'll just have to pay the deductible. These are just a couple pixs of the car and the tow company loading it up. Some of you remember that we had a break-in almost 2 years ago when the appliances, and several other things, were taken. You gotta love Memphis!

I talked to Michelle, who is with the staffing office I am working with, and she has not had any word about my job yet. She said that I had a good interview, but they had to reschedule an appointment for this afternoon, so they will not know until then. Michelle said that she would call me this afternoon or evening once she hears something. I promise to let you all know when I know.


I have been blogging on my myspace account, but need something others may have access to. So here are a couple of the initial posts:

What To Do Now?

OK, so I am not a writer by nature - I can't spell, and grammer seems beyond my natural abilities (but I am getting better :) ). So why do this? I am not sure, except I enjoy reading other ramblings.
Life is not so interesting right now. I am trying to find work, which is depressing. I need to clean and organize this house, but that is not interesting to me at all. I would like to organize my crafting room/sewing room/guest room/office, but that will take cash, which is in short supply when you have no job. Thank the Lord that our home and utilities are provided for us, so we won't be homeless, hungry, or in the dark any time soon. Well, okay, we have been on a diet - (I have lost 30lbs, and Keith 40ish) so we do go hungry sometimes, but not often, and not because we don't have groceries in the house. I have been accepted into an MBA program, so some things are looking up - but again, with no cash flow, going may get difficult...
I am missing my family, missing Virginia, and longing for somewhere to go every single weekday. I have an interview next week, so pray for me, once I get somewhere to go every single weekday, then maybe I can get to VA and see the family!

Monday, Monday...

Monday is here - the beginning of another week.

Sunday was busy but uneventful - as Sunday's go. After church and the vestry meeting, we went to an open house in the neighborhood - just to look. The house was BEAUTIFUL - small, but beautiful. It was not even priced very high, especially since the owner has taken such good care of it. We also went to Molly's for lunch/dinner. It is such a good place, and I always get the same thing - Molly's Chimmichunga. It is filled with spinach, mushrooms, cream cheese and pecans. Delish!

I don't know how many of you know this, but we have had our extended families increase in the last couple of weeks - First Jasmine was born - just a wee little thing, but she seems to be pretty tough. She is the first child and daughter of my younger brother, David, and his then-girlfriend-now-wife. Then Natile was born the following Wednesday. She is the daughter of Keith's youngest sister, Betsy, and her husband, Kenny. She is also the little sister to Nick. After all of the excitment of Jasmines birth, David and Rachel were married at the courthouse since they couldn't make it to their Hawaii wedding. We have 2 more great-neices/nephews coming in the next 6 weeks or so.

I have been asked to write an article on my favorite scripture. I thought it would be an easy task, but it has turned out to be very difficult. Many of my favorite scriptures are my favorite becasue I know them in song, and those songs bring back memories of various times of my life. (Kandi - I know you know what I mean...) So I continue to search...

Overall, not a bad day. I am looking forward to my interview, and perhaps finding that special place to go every day at 7:30 a.m. :)

From here on out, I will post the same things on both blogs! OK, it is now 8/26, and I have realized that this is diffcult to do. So, I will try to post the same thing on both blogs, but this is NO LONGER A PROMISE! - sorry folks...